Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game: Rumil & Orophin Showcase

Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing a preview of these models. As we discussed in the recent Middle Earth Preview Roundtable, there are a grip of Elves incoming! Michael has painted up Rumil & Orophin; brothers of Haldir, and the unofficial Galadhrim welcoming committee for the Fellowship.

Rumil & Orophin. Credit: Michael Coxson

Rumil & Orophin. Credit: Michael Coxson

Rumil & Orophin. Credit: Michael Coxson

Look forward to more MESBG painting showcases in the future! Just about every one of our ME players was psyched about the Glorfindel reveal, and I am gluing up some Ringwraiths. Any suggestions for future Tolkien-centric gaming content? Drop us a line at Contact@Goonhammer.com.